
full text of the book is available as a printable download here or as a webpage here. if you’d prefer to have a handmade physical copy, the book is available for about $12 at the following bookstores. with support from community members and some scrappiness of our own we have done as much as possible to keep material costs low so we can distribute the book widely, to anyone who wants one, with no expectation of money coming to us. if you’d like a book for free or less than $12, fill out the google form linked below.

as of october 2022, 25% of any profit we make on the book goes to Boa Ogoi, a Northern Shoshone cultural center dedicated to restoring the sacred, living landscapes that are precious to the native people of the salt lake basin.

where to buy a physical copy of lake words in salt lake city:

  • Under the Umbrella Bookstore, 511 W 200 S, Suite 120
  • Marissa’s Books and Gifts, 3302 S 900 E
  • Ken Sanders Rare Books, 268 S 200 E

if you’d like to order a copy online, please fill out our order form.